

Andrea Frisch-Hara, MA, NYS LCAT, MT-BC, brings 30+ years experience as a singer, voice teacher, music therapist, and psychotherapist. Licensed in the state of NY and nationally board certified, Andrea has spent her life as a professional Caregiver. She has also traveled a 10 year journey as a personal Caregiver to her mother who struggled during that time with a neurodegenerative disease.



Services and Products to accommodate every budget


Online, both live- in real time- and recorded


24 Hours/7 Days per Week


Caregivers- personal and professional- need consistent support, care, and help. They need to be continually nurtured, just like a well that when cared for, never runs dry…


Live and recorded presentations and workshops, Blog, Podcast, 1:1 live support for Caregivers, live dyad support sessions for Caregivers and their loved ones, support groups forging community, functional templates for ease of use, products that streamline and increase security of care, music repertoire catalogued by era and need, products that pamper…